I have written and published my very first picture book. It is called "The Great Shabbos Food Debate". It follows various Shabbos food items who discuss which items is the best one for the Shabbos table. Challah, wine, fish, cake, and others. Which is your favourite? Mine is Challah...but don't tell the other items :) In the end the times figures out that maybe each one is special because it adds to the meal, but at he end of it all, when they cooperate and work together, they are truly blessed.

I thought how this applies to us in the world. Each of us have different talents, and these talents come out and shine brighter when they are in connection to other people and their talents. I may be a great singer, but without my band...my singing would get boring. I may be a great teacher, but the administration and other teachers provide me with new ideas, support for my student and resources I would not have on my own.
The question I wished to raise is: How do you work together with others towards a larger goal? In what ways can you shine on your own and still remain part of a group?
I always thought Gretzky was nicknamed 'The Great One' because he scored more goals than anyone else but really I think it had more to do with the fact that he had more assists than anyone else. He supported his fellow teammates and helped them become better players. That is true greatness.
So let's use our talents, not just to shine ourselves, but to support others and help them shine too.
The Great Shabbos Food Debate is available at Jewish bookstores, through me (email me if you want one) or online at Israel Bookshop Publications: https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Great-Shabbos-Food-Debate-p1236.htm
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