Musical Mashal

A Guitar and Tzitzis (Prayer shawl) both have strings!

A string instruments is a musical instrument that makes music using strings. The strings are tied to two ends, one end is typically fixed/stuck and the other end is tied to a tuner that can be tightened or loosened to change the pitch of the string. 
This is comparable to our connection to Hashem (G-d). We too are tied above in a fixed way with our Neshamah (soul) forever being connected to Hashem.
When we do a Mitzvah (good deed/commandment) it is like we are playing our string in the best way and we can make beautiful music in the world. 


 The Trombone and our Voice both need air a vibration to work!

Wind instruments are instruments that need wind to work. The wind mainly comes from our mouth and lungs. When we blow the right way we can make beautiful music with these instruments, but if we blow improperly, the sound will not be pleasant. 

The same thing is with our voice. Hashem gave us this wonderful instrument to make beautiful music in the world with. When we talk nicely, compliment others, speak politely, say Brachos (blessings) and Torah, then we are making Hashem's music in the world. We must make sure we use these important instruments for good music! 


The Kohein Gadol had bells on the bottom of his robe. 

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