Monday 17 August 2015

Shabbos Party

Weekly Friday Shabbos Party Series

Shabbos Party, complete with Challah and Grape Juice

Each and every Friday, Rabbi B helps all the kids get ready for Shabbos by throwing a Shabbat Party. There are a lot of fun ways Rabbi B does this:

A) Sing-a-long

These are the things that go on the Shabbos Table

Rabbi B takes his favourite Shabbos songs and sings them together with all the boys and girls. These songs include the following:
- Shabbat Shalom
- I've Got that Shabbos Feeling
- I Work Six Days a Week 
- Are You Ready for Shabbat?
- These are the Things that go on the Shabbos Table
- Funny Silly Shul
- Something in my Kiddush Cup
- Shabbos is Going Away

B) Activity

To enhance the Shabbos experience, Rabbi B plays some fun games set to music with the kids.

Setting the table for Shabbos

For example: When Rabbi B plays "Are You Ready for Shabbat?", he asks if everyone takes a Bath. When they answer "NO", he makes everyone take an imaginary bath! Next he has everyone get imaginary dressed for Shabbos and lastly they set the table. Rabbi B brings in a whole bag of Shabbos table items and he has the kids set the table up for shabbos. They go around and name the different items.

Another example is the Walking to Shul song. As Rabbi B and the kids walk to shul, he asks them what kind of animals they will see. Then each animal says "Shabbat Shalom" in their own animals voice. "Woof Woof Woof, he said Shabbat Shalom, Meow Meow Meow, she said Shabbat Shalom".

Stirring our Chicken Soup pot

Another example is the Chicken Soup song. Rabbi B passes a pot and spoon around and each child gets to decide what to put insider our class chicken soup. "Put some Marshmallows in the pot..." Yum Yum.

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